CW & Quasi-CW Lasers

Laser Optronic Srl dispone delle più innovative sorgenti laser per applicazioni di imaging, spettroscopia, micromachining ed altre applicazioni di ricerca scientifica di base.

I nostri fornitori sono selezionati accuratamente e garantiscono, insieme a noi, affidabilità e qualità assolute.

CW Ring Lasers

Matisse Series is a family of single-frequency, ultra-stable, narrow linewidth tunable ring lasers

Sirah Lasertechnik

Fiber Lasers

Low and medium power solutions, narrow linewidth and fine thermal tuning

NP Photonics

High Power Blue Lasers

Ideal for pumping of laser medium, such as Ti:S crystals, Thulium-doped fibers and Alexandrite lasers.


CO2 Lasers

The spectral range covered by these longwave infrared lasers include discrete detection >250 unique aromatic molecules

Access Laser

Quasi-CW Laser

High power Quasi-CW green and UV, with near diffraction-limited TEM00 output 

Spectra Physics

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